The Beauty therapist has been the foundation of the Brand for more than 70 years.
Our brand ambassador… the beauty therapist.
Our expert the Digiestheticienne™.
A real aesthetics professional trained in the practical aspects of the profession, the Digiesthéticienne™ is the ambassador for the efficiency of Sothys treatment rituals.
She knows how to listen, establish a cosmetic diagnosis and a beauty prescription adapted to your needs.
By receiving on going training, our partner practitioners will become Sothys ambassadors around the world.

The skin begins the very first day of life with its own supply of energy reserves that act as the source of its glowing radiance for many years to come.
Based on this simple observation, Sothys developed the Fil de vie™ principle, which aims to compensate and preserve the integrity of the skin’s youth reserves in order to maintain the glowing radiance that ensures its beauty.
Regular Sothys professional treatments in an institute and the daily use of Sothys products at home make it possible to effortlessly attain this result.

The Fil de vie ™..
The brand’s flagship method, Digi-Esthétique™ is an application technique specially developed by and for beauty therapists, to optimize treatments and absorption of active ingredients.
Digi-Esthétique™ combines acupressure and modelling techniques from Eastern and Western cultures. As true beauty creators, they know how to listen to clients needs, offer a correct skin diagnosis and beauty prescription, and guide each client’s Fil de Vie.

« All Sothys products, treatments and Intensive treatments are designed and formulated to complement each other, never interfering with the Sothys Fil de vie™ principle.»
M. Bernard Mas, Ceo founder, Ceo of the strategic and security board.